
I just wanted to say Hello. So 'Hello'.
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Thursday, 17 December 2009

Wish List :)

OK. I know some of you might say im a bit old to have a wish list. But ... oh what the heck. I have one anyway.

Well it's not exactly a "wish list" it's more of a "wish of only one item" :)

Its this really amazing, bright, unordinary phone:)
Don't you love it?

I've got it !!!

I've decided to eat Noodles :)Im sure this isn't healthy.

What should i eat ?

Good morning all :)

I woke up feeling hungry. Nothing new there.
Problem is, i don't know what to eat. I don't want none of that breakfasty type food, like toast, bagels or cereal. BORING.

I want something out of the ordinary.
But what.....